Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Playing house

It just amazes me the simple things in life that makes kids happy. While Grandma Dorothy and Grandpa Dave were here Rusty made a Clubhouse out of the box that our new grill came in (it cooks wonderful I might add) and Lucas has had a blast playing with it. It has now reached a whold new level when you play with two little girls. I don't have much experiece with girly things, we know more about fast race tracks and blocks, but Megan and Camryn taught Lucas how to play House. I must say, it was quite a new sound hearing Lucas call Megan "mommy". Of course, her being the oldest of the kids, she ran the family very well. They started in the clubhouse, played in the back yard, and who know that a closet at the condo they were staying at could be such a good house too. (sorry, couldn't get the picture to rotate)

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